About Us

Michelle's Antique Appraisals

Michelle Staley has over 35 years of experience as an antique collector, picker, and dealer. She has done hundreds of insurance and IRS appraisals in addition to just satisfying another collector or dealer’s curiosity concerning what an item is, does, or its worth. Other experience includes her work as a forensics consultant and in archeological identification and dating. Michelle writes a monthly column for Discover Vintage America and formerly for WorthPoint, and has been cited in national antique and collectible-related magazines, price guides, specialized journals, and has been featured on KCTV and FOX4TV.

Michelle Staley joined Discovery Publications Inc., in June 2013. Discovery Publications was founded in 1974 and evolved into the Midwest’s premier publication reporting and promoting the antiques and collectibles trade along with informing readers of the region’s numerous historic sites and museums. Our flagship publication, Discover Vintage America, is distributed in 8-plus states and has been called a “bible” for antique consumers and antique dealers. Each issue is filled with information on antique shows, craft shows, how to care for antiques, and other useful information about the trade. Michelle is a big part of our commitment to inform our readers and support our advertisers. Michelle’s first column for Discover Vintage America appeared in the July 2013 issue. She immediately got our readers\’ attention. Michelle’s experience, confidence, and skill at putting her knowledge into words was evident and she enjoys a growing readership, so much so that we decided to bring Michelle’s talent and experience even more to the forefront. This website and its appraisal function are part of that process of informing the curious antique lover of what they have. Also, Michelle goes on the road. She holds antique appraisals at antique shows, antique malls, and shops, and at meetings of historical societies throughout the region.

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