
Welcome to Michelle’s Antique Appraisals website. The majority of our appraisals are conducted online but Michelle has done many onsite appraisals. Constraints on her time being the major obstacle.

Who Is Michelle?

Michelle Staley has over 40 years of experience as an antique collector, picker and dealer. She has done hundreds of insurance and IRS appraisals in addition to just satisfying another collector or dealer’s curiosity concerning what an item is, does or its worth. Other experience includes her work as a forensics consultant and in archeological identification and dating. Michelle writes a monthly column for Discover Vintage America and formerly for WorthPoint, and has been cited in national antique and collectible related magazines, price guides, specialized journals and has been featured on KCTV and FOX4TV. Her passion for what she does is evident in every written appraisal and conversations with others who share the passion for antiques, collectibles, and vintage items.

How Does This Work?

How do I get an antique appraisal?
Send pictures and information for appraisal item
An appraisal will be written and sent to you

First, you want to pay for your one item that you want appraised, $25. If you have more than one item please contact us and we will work with you on price.

After you pay for your appraisal you will be directed to a page asking for your infomation, details on the item, including any history you know. You can upload photos for Michelle to view.

Once Michelle has your pictures and information she will begin her research. This is done so that she can provide you with as much history possible. If she has questions, she will contact you. You will be provided with a resale value, and insurance replacement value. This step can sometimes take a few days so patience is appreciated.

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